Falait at a glance
Operating in the Cheese market for two decades, Falait Group is one of the most important pillars in the market
Falait in a few words:
More than 20 years of experience.
4 key brands.
More than 10 ranges of products and more than 50 SKUS.
3 production facilities.
Creator of job opportunities.
Production Centre
FALAIT's capacity for innovation and industrial performance are none other than the result of a unique expertise and know-how.
Thanks to this expertise, this know-how and also the support of our R&D team, innovation has become one of the main values of FALAIT, which constantly run new products in the market in order to better meet the constant needs evolution of Algerian consumers.

Centre de production
La capacité d’innovation ainsi que la performance industrielle de FALAIT ne sont autre re que la résultante d’une expertise et d’un savoir-faire uniques.
Grâce à cette expertise, ce savoir faire, mais aussi, au support de notre équipe R&D, l’innovation est devenue une des valeurs principales de FALAIT, qui met sans cesse sur le marché de nouveaux produits afin de répondre au mieux aux besoins en constante évolution des consommateurs algériens.

Our engagement
Towards the quality
Sustaining the consumer's persuasion of our products and increasing the satisfaction of our key stakeholders are at the center of our concerns.
To do so, FALAIT's QHSE department is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure the performance of the food safety management system.